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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 1 Global configurations for the experiments

From: Agent-based cloud simulation model for resource management

num of rack = 12; server per rack = 8; simulation unit time = 5 (min)

service generation speed = 300; service lifetime = [300, 300]

service cpu, memory, and network bandwidth runtime usage distribution: beta(2, 4)

memory dirtying rate: beta(2, 4); server models = [1 - 8]

server cpu, memoryt, and network bandwidth under-/over-utilization threshold = {20, 90}

consolidation interval = 12; heterogeneity: {data center, rack}

  1. Note that the total number of servers can be determined jointly by the parameters “number of rack” and “servers per rack”. Services are submitted at various points throughout the simulation, which can be partially adjusted using the parameter “service generation speed”. The server code corresponds to the models of servers listed in Table 2