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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 2 Summary of ENISA and NIST security frameworks

From: A quantitative analysis of current security concerns and solutions for cloud computing



Structure and comments

ENISA Report


• Study on benefits and risks when adopting cloud solutions for business operations

• Provide information for security assessments and decision making

• Three main categories of cloud specific risks (policy and organizational, technical, legal) plus one extra category for not specific ones

• Offers basic guidelines and best practices for avoiding or mitigating their effects

• Presents recommendations for further studies related to trust building (certifications, metrics and transparency), large scale data protection (privacy, integrity, incident handling and regulations) and technical aspects (isolation, portability and resilience)

• Highlights the duality of scalability (fast, flexible and accessible resources versus concentrations of data attracting attackers and also providing infrastructure for aiding their operations)

• Extensive study on risks considering their impact and probability

NIST Taxonomy


• Define what cloud services should provide rather than how to design and implement solutions

• Ease the understanding of cloud internal operations and mechanisms

• Taxonomy levels:

   ‐First level: cloud roles (service provider, consumer, cloud broker, cloud carrier and cloud auditor)

   ‐Second level: activities performed by each role (cloud management, service deployment, cloud access and service consumption)

   ‐Third and following levels: elements which compose each activity (deployment models, service types and auditing elements)

• Based on publication SP 500-292, highlighting the importance of security, privacy and levels of confidence and trust to increase technology acceptance

• Concentrates many useful concepts, such as models for deploying or classifying services

  1. Table summarizing information on ENISA and NIST security frameworks.