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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 2 BDA and CCP performance measures mapped onto PMFCC concepts and sub concepts

From: Performance analysis model for big data applications in cloud computing

PMFCC concept

PMFCC sub concepts


Adapted formula

Performance efficiency


Time behavior

Response time

Duration from a submitted BDA Job to start processing till it is launched

submitTime - launchTime

Time behavior

Turnaround time

Duration from a submitted BDA Job to start processing till completion of the Job

finishTime – submitTime

Time behavior

Processing time

Duration from a launched BDA Job to start processing till completion of the Job


Resource utilization

CPU utilization

How much CPU time is used per minute to process a BDA Job (percent)

100 – cpuIdlePercent

Resource utilization

Memory utilization

How much memory is used to process a BDA Job per minute (percent)

100 – memoryFreePercent

Resource utilization

Hard disk bytes read

How much bytes are read to process a BDA Job per minute

Total of bytes read per minute

Resource utilization

Hard disk bytes written

How much bytes are written to process a BDA Job per minute

Total of bytes written per minute


Load map tasks capacity

How many map tasks are processed in parallel for a specific BDA Job

Total of map tasks processed in parallel for a specific BDA Job


Load reduce tasks capacity

How many reduce tasks are processed in parallel for a specific BDA Job

Total of reduce tasks processed in parallel for a specific BDA Job


Network Tx bytes

How many bytes are transferred while a specific BDA Job is processed

Total of transferred bytes per minute


Network Rx bytes

How many bytes are received while a specific BDA Job is processed

Total of received bytes per minute




Task mean time between failure

How frequently does a task of a specific BDA Job fail in operation

Number of tasks failed per minute


Tx network errors

How many transfer errors in the network are detected while processing a specific BDA Job

Number of Tx network errors detected per minute


Rx network errors

How many reception errors in the network are detected while processing a specific BDA Job

Number of Rx network errors detected per minute


Time of CC System Up

Total time that the system has been in operation

Total minutes of the CC system operation

Fault tolerance

Network Tx collisions

How many transfer collision in the network occurs while processing a specific BDA Job

Total of Tx network collisions per minute

Fault tolerance

Network Rx dropped

How many reception bytes in the network are dropped while processing a specific BDA Job

Total of Rx network bytes are dropped per minute


Mean recovery time

What is the average time the CC system take to complete recovery from a failure

Average recovery time of CC system