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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 2 Setup parameters used in the experiments

From: Degrees of tenant isolation for cloud-hosted software services: a cross-case analysis


Values for case study 1

Values for case study 2

Values for case study 3

No of threads

10 for tenant 1 (i.e., the tenant experiencing high load); 5 for all other tenants

2 for all tenants

5 for all tenants

Thread Loop count


5 for all tenants

2 for all tenants

Loop controller count

10 for HTTP requests of tenant 1, and 5 for all other tenants; 200 for JDBC requests of tenant 1, and 100 for all other tenants

4 for tenant 1, and 2 for all other tenants for each type of request (HTTP, BeanShell, FTP upload and FTP download samplers)

20 for tenant 1 and 10 for all other tenants for the HTTP and BeanShell samplers

Ramp-up period

6 seconds for tenant 1, 60 seconds for all other tenants

6 seconds for tenant 1, 60 seconds for all other tenants

6 seconds for tenant 1, 60 seconds for all other tenants

Size of request

1MB for tenant 1, and 200KB for other tenants.

1MB for tenant 1, and 200KB for other tenants.

1MB for tenant 1, and 200KB for other tenants.