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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 7 Comparison of different aspects in which the Cases vary

From: Degrees of tenant isolation for cloud-hosted software services: a cross-case analysis


Case 1- Continuous integration

Case 2 – Version control

Case 3 – Bug tracking system

Resource consumption

High RAM and Disk I/O consumption (e.g., during the building of files)

Some native OS filesystem format (e.g., FSFS) consumes CPU (e.g., Delification, compressing data). Consumes memory during data caching

CPU and RAM consumption (could consume more CPU depending on runtime library used. Bugzilla consumes huge RAM if mod_perl is enabled), consumes memory during Caching DB transactions

Storage Space

Requires large storage space to store build history

Requires large storage space to store additional copies of data

Limited (except large bug attachments are needed)

Latency and Bandwidth of client accessing the server

Transferring large data size across network; long distance between CI server and SCM server

Compressing data across, Migrating repository, Repository backup, Enabling file locking

Transferring large bug attachments across a network, Enabling Locking on DB transactions

Type of GSD process

Long running build, large number of builds, complex and difficult builds

File locking

Long running DB transactions with support for locking could consume more RAM

Storage format of the backend server

Portable across different OS. Storing massive builds on NFS mount reduces performance.

Some DBMS (e.g., Berkeley DB) might not be portable across different OS

Fairly portable across different OS

Interdependencies with other tools

Depends on Version control server for store archive data

Depend on a CI server to trigger polling before checkout data

Integrated with CI server or other issue tracking systems