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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 1 Features of mobile and parked vehicles as a VFC infrastructures

From: Evaluating TCP performance of routing protocols for traffic exchange in street-parked vehicles based fog computing infrastructure

VFC use cases

Mobile vehicles

Parked vehicles


Mobile vehicles can be utilized as a communication hub that connects nearby vehicles together to facilitate information exchange with other base stations in order to provide better network connectivity.

Parked vehicles can be utilized as a static information hub that carries and forwards information to nearby vehicles and mobile base stations and devices alike could significantly improve connectivity


Localized and geographical distribution features of VFC allow faster decision making in relaying information compared to vehicular cloud computing where increasing delay is expected as frequent control information exchange occur between the vehicles and remote servers.

Parked vehicles in an idle state could compensate the disadvantages that mobile vehicles might be having as geo-locations do not disperse as much as the latter thus links forming between vehicles are sturdier and faster routing of information may be achieved.


A mobile vehicle is prone to experience obstacles such as buildings and trees throughout its journey, hence line-of-sight communication can be interrupted.

Wireless device and rechargeable vehicle battery enable parked vehicles to act as static backbones, allowing easy communication with one another and moving vehicles that are within the vicinity.


Slower moving vehicles in search of parking spaces or limited in movement due to congestion in road traffic could form VFC with nearby vehicles that aggregates computation resources found in embedded computers in each vehicle to do work offloading of computational tasks for nearby RSU, cloud servers and individual vehicle.

Creating clusters of parked vehicles in parking lots may cooperatively form a small data center that deals with various complex tasks that require high computing capability which would be impossible to perform by a single vehicle.


Energy in vehicles are not wasted as surplus energy can be regulated for maximizing computational processes. As a result, this would satisfy the computation demands of mobile infrastructures.

Vehicles with prolonged parking duration provide a convenient means of providing a longer computation service to nearby devices such as computers, mobile devices, servers, vehicles and RSU.