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Table 3 Summary of different attacks in IoT system [36]

From: Complex event processing for physical and cyber security in datacentres - recent progress, challenges and recommendations

Attack Name


DoS attack

Illegitimate users prevent legitimate users from accessing any device or service by flooding that device or service with false incoming requests.

Sniffer attack

Packet or sensitive information is captured by hackers using an application during the transmission stage in network, if it isn’t adequately encrypted.

IP spoofing

Source IP addresses are added to data packet headers to hijack a network-connected user’s browser.

Malware attack

A piece of software that performs malicious activities on the machines of users without their knowledge. Spyware and ransomware are two examples.

Wormhole attack

Malicious nodes in an IoT network build a tunnel, deceiving other nodes into thinking the two malicious nodes are close to each other and thus attracting data packets. This causes routing issues, and malicious nodes can tamper with data packets.

Sinkhole attack

During data transmission, a malicious node attacks a neighbouring nodes in order to reduce their efficiency.

Black hole attack

The malicious node receives data packets from neighbouring nodes but discards them.

Man-in-middle attack

Unknown person or malicious intrudes between the sender and receiver’s conversation and attempts to access confidential information.