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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 1 Notation Summary

From: Robust-PAC time-critical workflow offloading in edge-to-cloud continuum among heterogeneous resources



\(\mathbb {E}()\)

Mean value calculation or function


task i


Size of data sent by task \(ta_i\)


Size of data received by task \(ta_i\)


Transmission rate of up-link


Transmission rate of down-link


Computational capacity of UE


Computational capacity of VM l

\(Lat_i^{ul},Lat_i^s, Lat_i^{dl},Lat_i^{UE}\)

Latency of task \(ta_i\) from up-link channel, from MEC host side, from down-link channel, and from UE respectively.

\(\mathcal {T}_i^{U}, \mathcal {T}_i^s,\mathcal {T}_i^{D},\mathcal {T}_i^{UE}\)

Finishing time of task \(ta_i\) on up-link channel, MEC host, down-link channel, and UE


For specific task \(ta_i\), the available time of up-link channel, MEC host, down-link channel, and UE respectively


Offloading policies for task set including \(ta_i...ta_n\)

\(\mathcal {T}_i,\rho (\mathcal {T})\)

A learning task and distribution of learning tasks

\(s_i, a_i, r_i\)

the i-th state, i-th action, and i-th reward of an MDP

\(\pi (a|s;\theta )\)

Offloading policy model

\(v(s;\theta )\)

Value function

\(\tau _{\pi }\)

Trajectories sampled via policy model \(\pi\).

\(\mathcal {F}_{en},\mathcal {F}_{de}\)

Encoder functions and decoder function


Encoder output and decoder output at time step i


Context vector at decoding step i


Advantage function value

\(Up(\theta ,\mathcal {T}_i)\)

Learning optimizer function (e.g., Adam)