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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 3 Types and methods of fault injection

From: Container cascade fault detection based on spatial–temporal correlation in cloud environment

Type of failure



CPU failure

Simulate the container to request CPU usage, make the system reach the limit, and cause the container to crash

Stress-ng generates CPU pressure in the specified container to occupy all allocated CPU

Memory failure

Simulate the container to request memory usage, make the system reach the limit, and cause the container to crash

Stress-ng simulates the creation of objects pointing to global static variables in the container, gradually filling up the memory of the container

Network failure

Simulate container network bandwidth is fully occupied

iPerf Continuously sends data packets to other container instances until the requested network bandwidth is occupied

Disk failure

Simulate container disk IO is fully occupied

Stress-ng simulates the disk write() function, continuously writes to the disk, occupying the container disk IO