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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 1 Description of important notations in problem formulation and proposed approach

From: Fast DRL-based scheduler configuration tuning for reducing tail latency in edge-cloud jobs



\(\mathcal {S}\)

the state space

\(\mathcal {A}\)

the action space


the reward function


transition dynamics (reflects the time-variant dynamics of cluster, \(0 \le P(s_{t+1}|s_t,a_t) \le 1\))


the node and task state information during a scheduling interval


a waiting task


a running task


an action that is one possible configuration combination of cluster schedulers


the tasks that obtain resource allocations


the completed tasks


the newly arrival tasks


denoted the job tail latency as JTL


the set of jobs completed within period \((t-1, t]\)


denoted the tail latency of a task as TTL


the set of tasks running within period \((t-1, t]\)


the set of tasks waiting within period \((t-1, t]\)


the reward of job


the reward of the set \(V^{run}\)


the reward of the set \(V^{wait}\)


the reward of time-step t

\(\alpha _1,\alpha _2,\alpha _3\)

the negative values

\(\beta _1,\beta _2,\beta _3\)

the positive values


the maximal size of local buffer in Actor


the number of sampling steps in Actor


the experience number to start training in Learner


the maximal size of local buffer in Learner


the maximum number of training in Learner


the simulation time

\(\triangle t\)

the duration of one iteration in simulation


the number of cluster nodes