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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 8 Qualitative comparison

From: AI-enabled legacy data integration with privacy protection: a case study on regional cloud arbitration court




Error Rate


The error rate is relatively stable and does not vary with changes in workload

Integration errors are relatively fewer and smaller


Limited by AI model ability, there is a tendency for more integration errors to occur.

As the workload increases, the probability of integration errors occurring also increases.

Integration Consistency


Fixed AI model and program ensure consistency in the effectiveness of integration.

It is more flexible and facilitates rapid adaptation to new integration rules.


Lack of flexibility makes it difficult to respond to changes in integration requirements.

Different understandings of integration rules among staff members lead to poor consistency.



Overall, it saves a significant amount of labor and time.

No outside staff participation is required.


Additional computer experts are needed to design and write relevant programs.

More labor cost and time consumption.

Difficulty of quality management


Locating bugs from program output and logs is relatively simple

By communicating with relative staff, the cause of errors and solutions can be quickly determined


Lack of interpretability of the AI model leads to integration results that cannot be explained, and errors cannot be tracked.

Locating errors requires interaction with humans, which is more complex and less predictable.