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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 4 The complexity analysis of distributed identity management

From: Blockchain-cloud privacy-enhanced distributed industrial data trading based on verifiable credentials


Computational cost

 Time cost


\({(}k + {3)}n{\varvec{E}}_{{2}}\)

55.60 ms


\(\eta {\varvec{E}}_{{2}}\)

13.90 ms


\((k + 2)\left( {n{\varvec{E}}_{{2}} + (n - 1){\varvec{M}}_{{2}} } \right)\)

41.70 ms


\((\tau + 2){\varvec{E}}_{{1}} + 3\eta {\varvec{E}}_{{2}} + \eta {\varvec{M}}_{{2}}\)

49.25 ms


\(n\left( {{(}k + {3)}{\varvec{E}}_{{1}} + {(}k + {2)}{\varvec{M}}_{{1}} } \right)\)

30.20 ms


\((n + 1)\left( {{2}{\varvec{P}} + {(}k{ + 2)}{\varvec{E}}_{{2}} + {(}k{ + 2)}{\varvec{M}}_{2} } \right){ + }n{\varvec{E}}_{{1}}\)

714.83 ms


\(1{\varvec{F}}{ + }2{\varvec{P}} + 4{\varvec{E}}_{1}\)

115.73 ms


\(3{\varvec{F}}{ + }4{\varvec{P}} + 4{\varvec{E}}_{{1}} + (k + 2){\varvec{E}}_{2} + (k + 2){\varvec{M}}_{{1}}\)

233.91 ms


\(\tau {\varvec{E}}_{{2}} + (\tau - 1){\varvec{M}}_{{2}}\)

8.34 ms