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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 2 Conditions and task allocation in VMs

From: Virtual machine placement in energy aware load balancer using fog classifier

Data Center—VM Placement

Dynamic Cost Award

Dynamic Energy Aware

Dynamically VMs are placed with Fog classifier algorithm which has combination of amount of utilized energy and cloud host

The cost factor is measure by using number of active host and energy availability from renewable sources. Here the power can be selected from smart grid model

Initialize the energy count set as 0 and increase the value based on usage of data center based on cost it will be impacted

Procedure – Cloudlet Accessing the VM

Step 1: Select the number of Cloudlet task from resource pool

Step 2: Obtain the VM_List and request send to cloud broker

Step 3: Check the information set whether VM is available, if available request send to cloud data center and allocate VM otherwise consume the amount energy and cost

Step 4: Data center is selected means record and monitor the energy if it is increase means fog classifier classify the node and allocate another VM based on availability

Step 5: Then the server is selected by number of utilization index and VM process

Step 6: The task is classified based on execution time and waiting time from resource pool selection. Round Robin policy is taken for allocating VM using scheduled manner

Step 7: If the process is completed note the time taken for execution and energy consumption factor and reallocated the VM as empty