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Advances, Systems and Applications

Table 8 Cloud Computing with Blockchain Technology and its merit with regards to storage level data integrity strategies

From: Investigation on storage level data integrity strategies in cloud computing: classification, security obstructions, challenges and vulnerability


Issues of Cloud Storage

Merit of Blockchain Technology



In multi-cloud storage environment, majority of the comparable schemes depend on reliable org. like the CSP and the centralised TPA, related and it might be challenging to pinpoint malevolent service providers in the wake of service disputes

used to detect service disputes and accurately identify dishonest service providers, blockchain technology is utilised to record the interactions between users, service providers, and organizers utilized,during the data auditing process

batch verification at a cheap cost without a TPA


Several TPAs generate challenges for multi-cloud storage, sent to CS to verify data custody. TPAs may dishonestly exploit auditing protocols or collude with CS.

With the usage of blockchain technology, CS might be able to deduce the challenge messages, and there’s a chance that user data might be disclosed to the TPA while the audit is being conducted

This ensures decentralized, private audits, allowing public result verification for users


App development requires data sharing and storage. Functional encryption(FE) solves public-key encryption drawbacks, but requires expensive bilinear pairings.

Cryptocurrency built on the blockchain that allows users to pay third parties when their outsourced decryption is successfully completed

The payment in an FE with outsourced decryption scheme is achieved


In order to measure cloud data of virtual machines (VMs), two critical concerns in safe IaaS cloud storage are integrity evaluation and decision making.

A two-layer blockchain network can be used to create a revisable user-defined policy-based encryption mechanism and to construct a one-to-one relationship between a user, a node, and a virtual machine.

Enhance data integrity level and aids in controlling the scope of approved verifiers in a flexible manner


Vast storage proofs and/or vast auditor states are prerequisites for the application of Dynamic Proof-of-Storage techniques designed for traditional cloud storage to Distributed Systems

Static proof-of-success systems promise compact proofs; dynamic on-blockchain auditing protocols can provide concretely tiny auditor states

Index information management is accomplished by optimisation strategies.


In a multicloud storage environment, controlling scalability, data governance,non-tampering, trustworthiness, and transparency are two challenges.

A novel strategy for the security of huge data storage that makes use of highway protocol and blockchain technology to create new blocks that address problems with baseline models

dynamic control over sharing data manipulation is achieved.